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Our short and long term disability plans are designed to protect your paycheck if you are sick or disabled and cannot work. Most people want to get as close to 100% of their paycheck for as long as possible if they can't work, and our plans are designed to help you do just that.

OneAmerica is our Short-Term Disability (STD) provider. Your first line of defense if you can't work is your sick leave, which pays 100% if you can't work. When sick leave is exhausted, STD coverage takes over, for up to 180 days. This is why EVERYONE should make sure that the "wait period" selected for STD aligns with your sick leave balance closely. 

MetLife is our Long-Term Disability (LTD) provider. LTD coverage pays up to 60% of your pay if you must be out for longer than 6 months (180 days).

Click below to learn more!

Need more help with DISABILITY PLANS? email us at: openenrollment@WALTON.K12.GA.US.

WALTON county school DISTRICT